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We are Nature enthusiasts turned educators who want to bring Nature’s magic into student’s lives. 


Our journey began four years ago. Thicket Tales emerged from a commitment to nurturing the innate explorative spirit of children. And, within that, it emerged from the recognition of a troubling trend:
Students are largely disengaged from the natural world despite Bangalore’s abundant greenery. As urbanisation escalates, with an estimated half of India's population expected to inhabit metropolitans by 2040, the disconnect intensifies.

Studies reveal that children are increasingly finding traditional academic subjects boring and irrelevant, emphasising the urgency for innovative educational approaches.

We're not here to make your children conservationists. Not everyone needs to be a conservationist to save nature. A child connected to nature will contribute to protecting it in whichever way they can and learn their subjects accidentally during our programs.

— Saidevi Sanjeeviraja, Founder

Children and adults

Nature as our medium!

Here, at Thicket Tales we use nature as our medium for:

1. Bridging the Learning Gap  At Thicket Tales, nature is not just a backdrop; it's our classroom. We utilize the wonders of the natural world to bridge the learning gap. 

Our mission revolves around "Learning through Nature!" We empower children to explore their surroundings and curriculum using the very environment around them.

Through games, experiments, and projects, we seamlessly integrate our programs into their education, helping them connect what they learn with subjects like science and social studies.

2. Cultivating Eco-Conscious, Active Citizens

Thicket Tales is committed to nurturing environmentally aware and proactive young citizens, and nature is our greatest teacher. Our motto, "Conversing Conservation," reflects our belief in dialogue and action, all rooted in nature. 

We give students opportunities to influence and create change in their own backyards through live projects. 

Our goal is to equip them with the skills and passion to make a real impact on the environment, guided by their deep connection to the natural world.

Community vine

Meet our team


Anusuya Alagaraja

Academic Director

Anusuya Alagaraja, our Academic Director, boasts a remarkable 30-year tenure as a biology teacher and former principal, coupled with an inherent love for bird watching. Her expertise extends beyond the classroom, playing a vital role in crafting experiments, research tools, and observation techniques for our nature-focused program. Anusuya's wealth of experience and passion for the natural world serve as the cornerstone, shaping our program's foundation and fostering a deep connection to nature among our students.

Sai Devi

SaiDevi Sanjeeviraja


SaiDevi, Sanjeeviraja , grew up at foothills of Western Ghats. She feels Mother nature has backed  her up ever since she started to walk while waiting for birds,snakes,butterflies and monitor lizards. She had to learn to be patient, be constantly curious and develop the art of asking the right questions, connect dots and tons of observational skills because her secret world is enchanting.

Mrunali Sundar


Program Manager

She is an energy bomb who likes to dance, hike, write, and eat masala puri. 
Having always been fond of kids, nature, and learning, Thicket Tales turned out to be the perfect fit for her. Coming from a background in Journalism and Science Communication, she aims to create programs that she wishes we all had when we were children.

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Lead Facilitator

Our Fellows (2023 - 2024)



Design Fellow

We know Shivani is indecisive when it comes to choosing what to eat when out for lunch. But one thing she's sure about is her interest in design and engaging with different communities. She's also sure about her love for meeting dogs and cats wherever she goes, drinking elneer on a hot summer day, and collecting (probably hoarding) mementos from every life event.



Photography Fellow

He's that one guy who likes capturing the moments rather than just living them. And capturing those "moments" are his best moments. But Teja would never like to take photos by intruding into the space or habitat of wildlife. Non-intrusive photographing of wildlife is an experience he looks forward to. And he awaits his first capture of a leopard in the wild!

Backed by the Best Mentors

Sandeep Rai

Sandeep Rai

CEO and Founder, The Circle

Pooja Chopra

Pooja Chopra

Head of Program, The Circle


Saker Mistri

Speech Therapist

Chairperson, Education Audiology and Research Centre and children's book author


Address - Uttarahalli,

+91 8072315106


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